Piggyback Rides & Slippery Slides
(603) 744-9448

Our Philosophy
Early childhood learning is an important part of establishing the foundation for the development of each of us as a unique and capable individual. Each aspect of a child’s personality, whether cognitive, emotional, social or physical, requires nurturing and guidance through developmentally appropriate methods to ensure an overall sense of well-being and growth. Our philosophy is to educate each child in a stimulating and personalized manner to encourage the innate potential that each child has.
Early Learning Curriculum
Starting with our toddler classroom, our teachers implement an early learning curriculum designed to not only prepare children for Kindergarten but to enhance their curiosity, broaden their interests and develop a sense of self and community.
A love of Reading
We love reading! With a full library and daily times for teacher led and child led reading, our children have the opportunity to experience all of the wonders that a good book can bring. From trips to the moon to the world of sea creatures, we can go anywhere in a book!
Creative Arts
Our classrooms incorporate daily creative arts into the curriculum. Children have an opportunity to develop their fine motor skills and learn new concepts through artistic expression. Our preschoolers develop portfolios of writing, assessments and art that they enjoy sharing with each other and their families.
Math and Science
Through hands on learning, children seek opportunities to explore the world. We believe that provided the tools to ask "Why" and "How Many" children will develop a love of the building blocks of mathematics and science.
Music and Movement
Some of our fondest experiences in life can be put to music. Whether a silly song, a game of tag or dancing with scarves (or perhaps bags of ice!), children seek expression through music and movement.
Child Led Learning
Imagination is the foundation for learning. Through dramatic play, sensory activities and other child led experiences, children learn, explore and discover. Each day, opportunities for self guided play are presented.
The Social Self
Sharing, kindness, friendship and socialization are skills that begin development at an early age. Through effective modeling and guidance, children learn to shape their social self as they seek ways to "use kind words" and develop relationships with their peers, teachers and community members.
Active Play
Children require several opportunities for active play throughout the day. With a full indoor playground equipped with a climbing wall, gymnastics mats and other gross motor activities and a fenced in yard with lots of things to climb, we build character, make new friends and develop our gross motor skills.